Vincent Gramoli

University of Sydney and Redbelly Network

From Consensus Research to Redbelly Network Pty Ltd


In this talk, Vincent Gramoli will present his journey from a student doing research on the consensus problem, learning from the experts of the distributed computing community, to an executive director commercialising a blockchain software. The talk will cover the encountered challenges and successes while integrating the innovations he published at OPODIS, DISC, PODC, DSN, NDSS, S&P, EuroSys, CACM... in a practical solution that improves the security and performance of blockchain systems.

About the speaker

Vincent Gramoli is the Founder and CTO or Redbelly Network. He received a Future Fellowship from the Australian Research Council and leads the Concurrent Systems Research Group at the University of Sydney. With his group he reported vulnerabilities in Ethereum and developed the Redbelly Blockchain that encapsulates DBFT, the first model-checked blockchain consensus protocol. In the past, Gramoli has been affiliated with INRIA, Cornell, CSIRO and EPFL, and he recently received the best paper awards of ICDCS'21, IPDPDS'22 and ICDCS'22. He teaches Blockchain Scalability on Coursera to 5000 students and his textbook is published by Springer.